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Leah Walker

Leah is our social media expert, active on Instagram and Facebook.

An American living in Paris, Leah Walker is multi-faceted in the world of media. She writes about luxury travel on, as well as for several international publications. Leah regularly works with France’s Tourism Development Agency as her passion is discovering France’s regional foods, wines, histories and cultures, as well as uncovering American history in France. Leah handles Secret Journeys’ presence on Instagram and is co-creating our new collection of “walking” Secret Journeys.

From our Gazette news section:

You’re passionate about French culture, but you’re particularly interested in American history in Paris. What have you learned about the connection between the two nations?

The Franco-American friendship goes back centuries and continues today. I’m always delighted to discover a little piece of home while in France. This Franco-American history is part of the bedrock in which the United States was formed, and has fueled the fire for Americans’  fascination with Paris. However, living in Paris has also taught me that Parisians are fascinated with the United States as well. I’m often asked where I come from, and my answer is always greeted with a smile and positive words. I never really thought that this love was a two-way street until living in France.

You’ve recently helped Secret Journeys create a collection of “walking” journeys. Why do you feel that walking is the best way to explore Paris?

I’m a big advocate for walking, not just in Paris, but most European cities. On foot, you are not controlled by traffic and roads. Instead, you’re free to create your own path, discovering places you might not have seen if exploring on two or four wheels.

Along with writing for several magazines, you also run a blog,, about your experiences. How do you shape your travel experiences into captivating stories for readers?

As a former high school teacher, I strive for my writing to be informative, as well as engaging, whether that’s on my blog or in my Instagram captions. I don’t write as much as I used to; my marketing company has monopolized my time. When the writing mood does strike, however, the keystrokes are quite cathartic. It’s even more rewarding when that writing is appreciated by my readers.

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Leah Walker

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