Private Access. Expert storytellers. Unforgettable experiences.

Philippe Hertzberg

Philippe, founder of Secret Journeys, is director of operations.

Philippe, the founder of Secret Journeys, started his career in media and publishing, first for The Wall Street Journal. His passion for travel took him to Lonely Planet Publications before he joined The New York Times in Paris, where he spent over a decade heading its news agency operation.

From our Gazette news section:

When did you launch Secret Journeys and how did you get the idea?

We officially launched in the fall of 2018. Having witnessed first hand the highest quality of storytelling in my professional career and traveled the globe extensively for over two decades, I wanted to bring the art of storytelling and the very best narrative journalism to the world of travel in order to create truly amazing and memorable moments. I knew that Paris, where I live and where I know so many top journalists and authors, would be the ideal city to launch Secret Journeys.

How "unforgettable" are your experiences and what sets you apart?

Whether cooperating with iconic landmarks such as the Palace of Versailles or the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris (one of our destinations until the fire of April 15, 2019), or entering private studios, galleries or museums, we bring our guests into contact with many passionate people who have so much enthusiasm and knowledge to share. Whenever possible, we organize special moments during our Journeys for our guests to interact and converse with the people who bring each destination to life. Day in and day out, artisans, chefs, curators, artists, and experts — they are the real stars of the Journeys and the chance to talk to them brings an authentic experience of Paris that is rare for a visitor.

How about “exclusive access,” how do you manage that part?

I think it is human nature to enjoy seeing things and experiencing spaces that are rarely seen. Beyond our ability to access private spaces generally closed to the public, we design each and every one of our Journeys with the highest attention to what we call its “scenography.” In theatrical terms, our Journey locations in and around Paris are the most magnificent “stages” one can have access to, and we view our mission, with our storytellers, as creating the most unforgettable "performances" for our audience — our discerning guests.

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Philippe Hertzberg

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